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  • How do I get a uniform fee waiver?
    It is expected that every family works at least 1 game. For those wishing to earn the uniform fee waiver, a minimum of 4 games must be worked (2 must be varsity games). Ex: If two parents work one game together, then 2 games will be credited.
  • What time do I show up to work the concession stand?
    Unless otherwise arranged, one hour before the game.
  • Who do I call if I have questions about concessions?
    To volunteer, email Ms. Dorsey at or call (352) 448-5228.​​​​​​​
  • Are there other volunteer jobs besides concessions?
    There are many ways in which you can assist with the program such as chaperoning, helping with equipment, working in the uniform room, hemming uniforms, building props, fundraising, decorating for concerts and banquets, filing, etc. To volunteer, email Ms. Dorsey at or call (352) 448-5228.
  • Can my child volunteer too?
    High School students are allowed the opportunity to work the Middle School and Junior Varsity Games. Middle School students are not allowed to volunteer in the concession stand. High School students that are not involved with the marching band are allowed to volunteer during Varsity games
  • Who do I call if I want to chaperone an event?
    To volunteer, email Ms. Dorsey at or call (352) 448-5228.
  • What is a Travel Account and how is it used?
    A Travel Account is comprised of money that is raised by individual students. Money is accrued through various band fundraisers or by personal deposits. Students may access this money to help pay for travel, band fees, and summer band camps. If money is left in their account upon graduation, money is transferred to a younger sibling or reverts to the scholarship fund.
  • If it is raining, do we still have rehearsal?"
    Yes. We will always have rehearsal rain or shine. There is always more than enough to do while we are inside. The only time rehearsal will be canceled due to weather is if a hurricane is approaching. Students will be notified over the intercom, a message will be put on the bandroom phone number (352) 448-5228), and it will be posted on the website.
  • What does Call Time mean?
    Call time means the students are fully dressed and ready for inspection. The Director or Captain will call the band to attention for inspection. The uniform room will be open 1 hour before call time so the students can dress. If we are riding the bus, we will usually leave directly at call time.
  • How do I know if a game has been cancelled due to weather?
    We will post information on our website, our facebook page "Spirit of Union County Tiger Band", through a remind text and on the bandroom message phone (352)448-5228. Unless you hear otherwise, students are to report to the bandroom at the scheduled time. Games are sometimes cancelled in the middle of play. If this happens, your child will call you to let you know what time to pick them up. Please be available for contact at all times while your child is away.
  • What time do the football games begin?
    Varsity Football Games typically begin at 7:30pm. This is true for most of our evening performances including concerts. Call times for performances will change depending on their location. Keep checking the home page of the website frequently for updated call and performance times.
  • What is a Travel Uniform?
    Travel uniforms are what is worn under the band uniform. We wear white pants, purple travel t-shirt, Khaki Bermuda Shorts, long white socks and white band shoes. During Concert season, black socks and shoes are worn at the high school. Students should also wear a plain white t-shirt underneath the tux shirt.
  • Does my child have to purchase both black and white shoes?
    Only if your child is in the high school band. We wear white shoes and long white socks with the marching uniform and black shoes and long black socks with the concert uniform.
  • How do I make a donation to the band?
    We always appreciated any and all support we receive. To view our sponsor program, click HERE. To make a donation, click HERE.
  • Does the band have any string instruments such as guitars?
    Part of our program does consist of certain string instruments. The Jazz Band utilizes a guitar and a bass guitar. The Symphonic Band utilizes an upright string bass a.k.a. double bass. A cello may also be used with the Symphonic Band, however, we do not have one at this time. Students that are interested in performing with the band on stringed instruments must be able to read music. There is never any music that provides tablature (TABS) everything is in standard musical notation.
  • I signed up to work concessions.  Now what do I do?
    You will receive a text reminder a few days before your sign up date. Be sure to confirm. Before you arrive, be sure to read the following guidelines. Concession guidelines
  • I signed up to volunteer but I can't remember what dates.  What do I do?
    To see a calendar of workers, click the links below. CONCESSIONS CHAPERONES
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